

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Purpose of Life

What do you know about life? Sometimes, others said that life is a challenge that we have to encounter and make a better solutions to make it perfect. It is an idea came out from the mind of a person who's belief is that "life is a challenge". Maybe she/he is right. But, in the other opinions of the others, life is a promise. A promise that we have to do for the purpose of being nice not just to our fellow but also to God. According to bible, life is just a thing we borrowed from God and it says that we have to do good deeds to make it real and perfect. We must also make this colorful for us to be known of the people around us. And at the same time, if we die, the people we just left that loves us will never forget the good things we had done for them. In this fact, we can consider that our life has its purpose. We can say that it is not just a simple gift from God because we made this memorable to others. In the other side, the purpose of life is to learn the things that we have to learn, do the things that we have to do and we must done it. One of the example is that when we are inspiring others of what they can do and what they must be. Sometimes we cannot even organize our own lives but we didn't know that some simple things we are doing would be a great and memorable one to our friends, family, fellows and also to God. We may not see this but it gave inspiration to others, and that's why many of the people around us taking care of us. It is not just because we gave an inspirations to them but also, we are the one who gave meaning to their lives. We are the one making it perfect and meaningful. In that case, we can inspire them to do better things and be a good example to the next generation. It is not just a normal idea i am saying but an idea, a true meaning of life came out not just from my mind but also from my heart. We have times to make our life better and be the best one

The truth is, life has no explanations. It is just it is. Love to live. And, live to love. Be kind, be good, be better and be an inspiration.

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