

Friday, February 11, 2011

yesha callahan

MoneyMama: Next Time Halle Berry Should Invest in a Test Tube Daddy

If you want a child, but don't plan on keeping the father, you need to get your legal rights handled right away.

What once looked like a match made in “pretty people” heaven is now turning into accusations, recriminations and hostile hurt feelings as a bitter custody fight brews between actress Halle Berry and her ex-boytoy model Gabriel Aubry.

With shades of Mel Gibson’s he-said, she-said, what-the-tape-recorder-said break from Oksana Grigorieva, the Berry-Aubry smack down has turned into a “she’s crazy” and “he’s a secret racist” hot mess.

Things looked amicable when the two initially broke-up last year, some time after the birth of their daughter, Nahla. But now the two are slugging it out in the press, with Berry leading the charge. She claims she had to drop out of a film production in New York to fight for custody of Nahla and has accused Aubry of once calling her the “N-word.”

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