

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Love Story

One upon a time, there was a guy who was searching for the right girl. He attended parties of his friends hoping that someday, somehow, he will meet the girl he was searching for. One day, he meet a girl named Trish. Trish is a silent one. He loved very much the guy. Also, everyday, the girl always told the guy that she really really love the guy. Also, the guy thought that Trish could be the right girl he was searching for a long time. The guy spend his times with the girl and at the same time, spending also his money just to make the girl happy and buy things the girl wish him to buy. After how many months, the guy felt tired of spending money and gifts to the girl. At that time, the guy think to have a broke-up with the girl. When the time that they are with each other, the guy told the girl what he feel. "I'm so tired, I don't know if you love me. I'm sorry, but I must finish our relationship". After the guy spoke, the girl named Trish smile in front of him, steps backward, and speechless. The girl just walk away with a zero words came out from her mouth. After their break-up, the guy then had met many girls, dated them, but no one of them the guy think could be the right one except the girl he had broke-up with named Trish. After a weeks, a month and then a year, there is nothing or just a little news from that girl.  Many tries and many opportunities but all the girls he met was not the right one for him. The guy, again search for Trish but he didn't find her. A week, a month and then a year passes by but still, he did not find Trish. In that reason, the guy went to the nearest church to pray that hope he will find Trish. When he was in the church, there is a wedding happening right at there. He thought that if he did not had a broke-up with Trish, they might be married at the same church. The guy enter the church and try to look up who are the groom and the bride. After the kissing time of the bride and the groom, the people at the church clapping their hands. At the same time, the guy also clap his hands feeling happy for the groom that he found the girl he was looking for. But, unlike him, still searching for the one he loves. When the bride and the groom faces their visitors, the guy sees them and felt nervous, conscious. His heart beats as fast as an airplane. He felt like the world is going to destroy. Yes, the bride he saw happy, beautiful and gorgeous that was married a while ago was Trish. The girl he was searching for the past years. The girl he loved is in front of him, and now is married to the other guy. After that wedding, the guy promise himself that he will never love again.

            Take every single moment momentous. Take time to appreciate the importance if the person loving you. And try to think of what is the right choice to be choose. Because it could be too late to realize the mistakes we already does.

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